I am proud to say I have 3 book babies. Two are maturing into treasured loves in my life and the last is just emerging into the world. I have noticed that I often speak of my 1st book. It brings thoughts of nostalgia and fond memories of the first time I felt truly successful as a writer. Dreams of the Heart was published in 2017. I started writing Dreams of the Heart in 2009 and never really committed to the idea that I was writing a book until about 2011. I remember everything about the first experience and the story itself was just as a part of me as my children who were birthed throughout the process. Perhaps that is why the story itself is so important to me. It was driven from my mind to paper when I was pregnant with my eldest son. Or perhaps I remember everything because it took me the longest to share. Jamice and Sasha, my characters, ran rent-free in my mind for 7 years. Either way, Dreams of the Heart has a special place in my heart.
My second novel Twin Souls: A Blue Moon novel was so different. It came because I truly love Fantasy and Science Fiction. I always dreamed I would write something I love to read. The idea developed sometime after the final edits of my first novel and I was and still somewhat am excited about the possibilities of a series. Unlike my first novel, which was pulled from and written out of raw and somewhat scary emotions; my second novel was written from appreciation and a wish to see representation in the fantasy paranormal genre. While I do love my second novel as much as I love all my published works; it is a different love. I had to work hard for Twin Souls. I went through more editing rounds, more rewrites, and more research. And while my publishing timeline was shorter, roughly 2 years; it was hard fought. I was at the tail end of my Master’s in Library Science program and I quit my career in Information Technology and started a new career in Librarianship. Looking back, I wonder if my mild period of depression and career catastrophe contributed to the hard fight to bring Twin Souls to life.
I cannot talk about book babies without talking about my yet to be published sequel to Twin Souls. The Order of Prolumina is the official sequel to Twins Souls and will provide readers and even myself with a satisfying conclusion to Alicia and Raymond’s story. Does she find out who she is and where she is from? Does she learn to manage her powers? Does Raymond really love her? Or are his feelings confused by his lineage? Will they be able to come together?
These are all questions Order of the Prolumina will answer for readers…as soon as I let my book baby out of editing jail everyone will know.
My editor is amazing. She understands me, my style, my limitations, and my work. Her name is Kristen Hamilton of Kristen Corrects INC. She did the job of editing the first draft of Order of Prolumina well and the Blue Moon Novel series would be full on the way had I not had moments of unbelief in the story. I am thankful to God that he continues to give creativity, even when the vessel is in limbo.
Have you ever wanted to ask your favorite writer of multiple titles, “What happened here?” Covid, career transitions, and ultimately my grandmother’s death brought about much uncertainty and an inability to bring Order of Prolumina full circle. I am still hopeful and fully believe that my readers, soon, will have a very satisfying and exciting end to Alica and Raymond’s story of earth-bound powers and cosmic love.
I have shared in previous statements, blogs, and posts that Cherrywood Inn A Legacy was heavily influenced by my grandmother. Specifically her home, and the family she left behind. I believe I am feeling the same passion and love for this story as I felt for my first. It is driven by emotion. I believe in the idea that sometimes great pain can bring the greatest growth. Cherrywood Inn displays so much of my growth as a writer, and for my readers, they will experience the sweet romance style of my first book; but see the newness in my writing cadence and approach to adult romance. I mean let’s be honest. In 2016-2017, I was at the height of motherhood. All 3 of my children were under 6 years old and I was in the middle of a career crisis and in Grad school. Cherrywood Inn was developed and written well after diapers, breastfeeding, and the challenges of raising a 2 year old. Yes 2020 was Covid driven and 2021 was grief filled, but no diapers, daycare, or even real babies to deal with. Much more adult, much more real. My readers will feel something similar to what they read with Dreams the Heart and will get a true adult treat in the form of sexual maturity and themes that match a person who is at the height of discovering,
My introspective review of myself has led me to the final thoughts.
- Writing and sharing words will always be hard.
- You can love your work differently and that is okay.
- Judgment of any writer should only be compared against their mindset of that space and time of their lives.
Happy writing, happy living, happy growing.