Things The Books Don’t Tell You

Things The Books Don’t Tell You


Fear and Failure

Cherrywood Inn is out there in the world. The story itself took me through light, grief, and back again. Writing this small-town romance story was comforting because I truly feel this is the best genre space for me. It was also scary, because after the publishing plan for  Twin Souls did not go exactly as planned; I was afraid of failure. That is the one thing most people do not know about writers. No matter how great the skill, no matter how passionate the writer is about the story; we are all a little afraid.


Author Business

Writing a book is hard, but let me tell you; publishing and marketing is harder. Remembering when to post, what to post, creating enticing words; it is all too much. Smart business professionals will tell you to hire out the services you need but cannot do. Well, that comes with its own challenges. Imagine having to evaluate a marketing company when you are not sure what book marketing really is or what it can do for you and your story. For working writers, it is even more challenging. You pour your heart, soul, and time into a story and then have to open your wallet for services you know you need. Sometimes the path is clear, other times it is foggy and you feel like you are taking a gamble.

Determination is a Must

Despite all the things I listed above, if you are a serious writer, you must never give up. I know it sounds cliché, but that simple line is never more true than in this literary space. So do all the things. Take the 30-minute consultation from the marketing company. Save and invest in promotional materials and servicing. It will be worth it! And for self-publishing; it is a must. Watch the YouTube video on how to format. Take the Linked Learning class on how to use Photoshop for ad creation. Refresh the Facebook page, and if you don’t like it; refresh it again! Do all the things that help you grow and learn. Seek help. Ask questions, and share your journey so others can be empowered to do the same.

Let’s All Succeed Together!


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